स्वामी अग्निवेश कौन ..?

By: ShreshthBharat
Real Face Of 'Anti Sanatan Swami'
आइये जाने स्वामी अग्निवेश को
नोट: हम भ्रष्टाचार के आन्दोलन में अन्ना हजारे के साथ है, पहले से ही जुड़ें हुए है, और यह मानते है की देश की सभी समस्याओ में सबसे पहली समस्या भ्रष्टाचार है .....
-------------------------- आइये जाने क्यूँ नफरत करते है राष्ट्रवादी ,स्वामी अग्निवेश से और क्यों प्रेम करते है अग्निवेश मुस्लिमों, माओवादियों और ईसाइयों से ? जिस किसी भाई को लगता है की यह ढोंगी विवेकानंद जी का अवतार है तो यह बात मन से पूर्ण तय निकाल देंवे क्योंकि इसकी मानसिकता और आर्य समाज की मानसिकता में आकाश पाताळ का अंतर है सच तो यह है की यह आर्य समाजी नहीं हैइसने स्वयं ही एक संस्था बनाई है "World council of Arya Samaj" शायद उद्देश्य मुल्लो और ईसाई मिशनरियों की मदद करने के लिए, क्योंकि यह विवेकानंद जी के जैसे भगवे वस्त्र पहन कर के लोगो को गुमराह कर रहा है आप स्वयं आर्य समाज की वेबसाइट में देख सकते है की यह अध्यक्ष नहीं है ....इसने अतीत में हरियाणा के शिक्षा मंत्री का पद ग्रहण किया हुआ है तो इसके सन्यासी होने का प्रश्न ही पैदा नहीं होता है वहाँ शिक्षा प्रणाली और किताबों में इतिहास में फेर फार करने के कारण इसकी डाल हरियाणा में अधिक गल नहीं पाई फिर इसने माओवादियों का साथ देना शुरू किया और दलाल का काम पकड़ा हर वार्ता में यह बीच में टपक पडता है..अरुंधती रॉय, गिलानी, शबीर अहमद, उमर अब्दुल्लाह, यासीन मालिक , विनायक सेन, जावेद अख्तर, शबाना आजमी, तीस्ता शेतलवाद, मदनी etc इसके परम मित्र है जो हर दिशा से इसके उद्देश्य को दिशा देते है शबाना आजमी जैसे सेकुलर महाराष्ट्र से मदनी दक्षिण से, गिलानी जैसे आतंकवादी कश्मीर से, आजाद जैसे माओवादी हेदराबाद, आंध्र से, राजस्थान गुजरात में इसकी डाल नहीं गल पा रही है वो इसे अच्छी तरह पता है...बंगाल में विनायक सेन और अरुंधती रॉय....ये वो ही लोग है जो तिरंगे से नहीं लाल झंडे को सलाम करते है चीन को आंच भी आयें तो इनके पेट में दर्द होने लगता है...इनका एक ही धर्म है देश द्रोह.. संस्कृति, सीमाएं, भाषा, देश प्रेम से इन्हें कुछ मतलब नहीं .....भारत स्वाभिमान में इसे किसीने नहीं आमंत्रित किया ये स्वयं ही उसमे घुसा हुआ है और लोकपाल बिल का सिर्फ इसलिए समर्थन कर रहा है क्योंकि इसके भी स्वार्थ छिपे हुए है वहाँ .....नहीं तो ऐसे मक्कार लोकपाल बिल का समर्थन क्यूँ कर रहा हैएक बार केदारनाथ मंदिर को गैर हिन्दुओ के लिए खोलने के लिए हड़ताल पर बैठा था और सरकार पर दबाव बनाने के लिए अच्छे खासे नाटक किये इसने ..... पहले जो नास्तिक हिंदू है उन्हें केदारनाथ भेज रे अग्निवेश फिर गैर मुस्लिमों को भेजना ... जन हित में यह लेख सभी भाइयो तक पहुचाएं ...... लेकिन हम कामना करते है की स्वामी रामदेव के साथ हम सब मिलकर कोंग्रेसी कुशासन को उखाड फेंके और भारत को भगवा देश बनाने का संकल्प करें ------------------------------ आइये आर्य समाजियो ने इस मक्कार से कुछ प्रश्न पूछे है आपको दिखाते है ..... जिसमे इसकी मक्कारी छिपी है What is your stand on gay marriages? Why are you supporting the movement to legalize homosexual relations in India? Is it as per Arya Samaj ideology?Your co-writer recently gave interview in newspapers claiming we all are migrants in this nation. Do you support this theory of Arya Invasion which Mr Thampu loves to propagate in his college. Incidentally your website also had the same theory for 5 years and withdrawn only after a lot of controversy.Why are you so much in admiration of Prophet Muhammad to call him Prophet of entire world. Satyarth Prakash, Chapter 14 has used harshest language against Prophet for his lechery, paedophilia and other misdeeds.Why do want deletion of portions of last 4 chapters of Satyarth Prakash? Many news available on net itself report such statements of yours in public forum.You criticize so-called Hindu terrorism and RSS/VHP etc. But why you are not as vocal in expressing condemnation against Islamic terrorism and organizations like SIMI etc?Why you are so fascinated by Mother Teresa despite her being a missionary working for conversions.What makes you a fan of Sonia Gandhi to call her only light of hope of spirituality at end of dark tunnel? Did you forget chapetr 6 of Satyarth Prakash which talks of ministers being only from nation. Also do you approve of her promoting her son who openly moves along with a live-in partner from venezuela or someone. Did you ever criticize her or her son in public forum for such dubious character. Afteral Swami Dayanand laid greatest importance of personal character of rulers and claimed that such people as having dubious characters should and can never be made rulers.When you are so much against VHP/RSS etc, why you give special favors to and do not publicly condemn people like Sh Anil Arya who openly hold rallies and participate in programs of RSS/ VHP inclduing Amarnath Sangharsh Samiti, Shiksha Bachao Andolan etc. Why such people are in your trusted group, if you are so against RSS/VHP/ Hindu forces etc.Can you give a clear statement that Sh Anil Arya or any other person for that matter, found to be involved in any sort of joint activities with RSS/VHP or any other related Hindu force, will have nothing to do with you ever and you openly condemn them for working with Hindu terrorist organizations?Why have you never criticized MF Hussain for his vulgar description of Bharat Mata and Hindu deities? Why you support that as freedom of expression? If that be so, why do you not publicly support Prophet Muhammad cartoon as freedom of expression.Why your article states that your are proud that Tantric Sex is part of great Indian/Hindu cultureFor years your website prominently showed your pictures bowing to Pope and Sonia Gandhi. Does that exemplify an Arya Sanyasi?You joined hands with Mahesh Bhatt. Did you ever criticize him and Shabana Azmi etc for spreading so much of pornographic mess in name of entertainment? What made you partner with such people who blatantly flout the most basic of Arya principles - they earn through skin-shows.Why you give anti-India lectures across the world focussing on dismal state that India is in. Please search for Agnivesh anti-Bharat in google and you would knowi what we are referring to?As a Sanyasi, what prompts you to have a website by your own name that highlights your photos and name so brightly in all pages. Is not Sanyasi someone who is above such Aishnaas (urges for fame/money/lust)?What stops you from calling Quran and Bible as texts harboring hatred and irrationality? You think not even twice before condemning HIndu fascism. This is just a snapshot of large number of such contentious issues on which Arya Samajees across world seek your clarification. I hope we will get unambiguous reply from you covering all these points. I would request you to mark a copy at agniveer AT gmail DOT com as well in case mails bounce from the yahoogroups due to your non-membership in them. The copy of this mail is being circulated across all leading forums of Arya Samaj across globe. कुछ महत्त्व पूर्ण लिंक स्वामी अग्निवेश का माओवादियों को ‘लाल सलाम’http://www.bhaskar.com/article/CHH-RAI-swami-agnivesh-of-the-maoist-red-salute-1984251.html ---------- भारत की चीन पाकिस्तान समर्थित दलाल मीडियाhttps://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=156665601057473 ---------- हिंदू मंदिरों में गैर हिन्दुओ के प्रवेश के लिए हड़ताल पर अग्निवेश http://alturl.com/vxyjr --------- पाकिस्तानी और चीन प्रेमी अग्निवेश का काला अध्याय : संघ परिवार वेबसाईटhttp://www.sanghparivar.org/blog/rkm/enemy-lover-swami-agnivesh-i-love-pakistan ----------- अग्निवेश ने गाया चीन का राग http://abhindumahasabha.blogspot.com/2011/04/blog-post_4297.html ----------- अग्निवेश ने मुस्लिमों से कहा वंदे मातरम मत गाओ ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sns7o2YcyR4 ----------- अग्निवेश http://intellibriefs.blogspot.com/search?q=agnivesh ----------- स्वामी रामदेव जी से निवेदन अग्निवेश को खदेडो http://www.haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=13299 ----------- स्वामी अग्निवेश हिंदू नहीं है, हिंदू के भेष में मुस्लिम और ईसाई प्रचारक है http://www.casttv.com/video/65pmis1/swami-agnivesh-is-he-even-a-hindu-or-a-islamo-christian-puppet-video --------- पूरी के जगन्नाथ मंदिर के द्वार गैर हिन्दुओ के लिए भी खोले जाएँ http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2007-12-26/india/27984531_1_puri-temple-jagannath-temple-swami-agnivesh --------- नक्सल पीडितों ने अग्निवेश पर हमला कियाhttp://www.haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=13509 ----------- नक्सलियों के दलाल अग्निवेश http://runbheri.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_26.html ----------- आर्य समाज के मिथ्या प्रचारक http://satyagi.blogspot.com/2010/01/blog-post.html ----------- नक्सल प्रभावितों ने अग्निवेश पर फैंके सड़े टमाटर http://hindi.webdunia.com/news/news/regional/1103/26/1110326095_1.htm ----------- गूगल से भी जाने अग्निवेश को http://alturl.com/azkb9 ----------- अग्निवेश का असली चेहरा http://www.datelineindia.com/samachar.aspx?Category_ID=5+&Story_ID=1013 ----------- अग्निवेश कोंग्रेस और मार्क्सवादियो के दलाल है गोधरा और अग्निवेश www.shreshthbharat.in/2011/03/09/godhara-verdict/ ----------- ढोंगी अग्निवेश www.hinduwisdom.info/articles_hinduism/270.htm ----------- गोधरा फेसले में संदेह है http://www.sify.com/news/godhra-sentencing-based-on-dubious-evidence-swami-agnivesh-news-national-ldbq4rajbbe.html ---------- हिंदू द्रोही अग्निवेश http://www.haindavakeralam.com/HkPage.aspx?PAGEID=12991&SKIN=D ----------- भगवे में छिपा मुस्लिम ईसाई भेडीयाँhttp://greathindu.com/2009/12/anti-hindu-dogmas-from-indian-media/ ----------- आइये हिंदू विरोधी मीडिया का सच और चीन समर्थित नेताओ की उनके साथ सांठ - गाँठ को जाने https://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=145258605504787&topic=145&post=5619 ----------- सबुत है अग्निवेश के माओवादी होने केhttp://www.janjwar.com/2011/04/blog-post_4102.html ----------- गोधरा की फिर से जांच हो: अग्निवेश http://khabar.ibnlive.in.com/news/50002/1 ----------- "Hindus Of Houston" Issues Caution About Agniveshwww.hvk.org/articles/1005/140.html ---------- शत्रु मित्र अग्निवेशhttp://www.hindujagruti.org/news/6048.html ---------- ढोंगी आर्य समाजी http://greathindu.com/?s=agnivesh&x=0&y=0 ----------- और पढ़ियें http://greathindu.com/?s=agnivesh&x=0&y=0 ----------- आप भी ढूंढीये इस ढोंगी के बारें में सर्च पर
By: ShreshthBharat 
आइये जाने स्वामी अग्निवेश को

Enemy-lover Swami Agnivesh : I love Pakistan

    Mumbai: We do not want war with Pakistan. (Up till now Pakistan has attacked Bharat repeatedly either openly or covertly by way of terrorist attacks. It is responsible for death of innumerable innocent Indians. It has sheltered criminal Muslims from Bharat. It has even tried to embarrass Bharat on the International level by whatever means. In spite of these, if some people do not want war against Pakistan then they should be sent to Pakistan for a permanent stay there! -Editor)
The amount of love I received in Pakistan, I did not receive any where in the world, said Enemy-lover Swami Agnivesh in a public gathering. (Pakistani terrorists attacked Mumbai and killed 183 innocent Indians including 18 police officers and military personnel. Therefore it is a gross insult to the martyr police and military persons, those Indians who died in the attack and their families and in fact to the whole nation if Swami Agnivesh praises Pakistan! -Editor)
Congress leader Hussain Dalwai had organised  a function on behalf of 'Maulana Azad Vichar Manch' to commemorate   one month of terrorist attack on Mumbai. Kavita Karkare , wife of slain ATS chief  Hemant Karkare and Ex-Chief of Police Shri Sudhakar Suradkar were present on this occasion.(It is shameful that the ex-chief of police Shri Suradkar tolerated such Pro-Pakistani utterances of Swami Agnivesh! -Editor)
In his speech Swami Agnivesh directly touched the Malegaon case. He said,'Terrorist means Muslims was the equation till yesterday .But with the investigation of Bomb blasts at Malegaon done by  Karkare it was found that Sadhvi Pradnya Singh, a so-called Shankaracharya and military personnel were responsible for it. Thus it has become quite clear that terrorism is not limited to one religion. (It has to be taken into consideration that up till now the court has not declared any of the accused as guilty. Swami Agnivesh should remember one thing that Hindus were never terrorists. They are always in favour of national defence. If Swami Agnivesh wants to have a real feel of terrorism then he should go and ask those  Kashmiri  Hindu women who have stopped menstruating at the young  age of 30 from the sheer fear of terrorism! -Editor) We were anxious that Karkare might withdraw due to pressure but he did not.( There is no other thing more  amusing and dramatising  than to think on the part of Swami Agnivesh that in the regime of anti-Hindu and Pro-Muslim Congress government an officer who is investigating against Hindus will withdraw from the case! -Editor)
Government will now investigate the death of these officers and the terrorist attack but at the same time it should be careful enough to see that the Malegaon case will not be let loose. (Why? Is it because the accused are Hindus? It means that Swami Agnivesh is no way bothered about terrorism but is more interested in unnecessary harassment of Hindus; or otherwise he would have definitely asked for investigations into bomb blasts done by Jihadi terrorists all over the country! -Editor) Otherwise the martyrdom of Karkare will be in vain.( What way martyrdom of Karkare is related to Malegaon blasts? In fact by praising Pakistan Swami Agnivesh has made the martyrdom of Karkare vain! -Editor)
Just as SIMI was banned by the Government, we demand that RSS, Bajrang Dal also should be banned. (SIMI has attacked the very freedom and sovereignty of the nation. What have RSS and Bajrang Dal done against the country? On the other hand RSS has played an important role in nation building. Therefore an Anti-Hindu like Swami Agnivesh should not compare terrorist organisation like SIMI with Pro-Hindu organizations! -Editor)
Otherwise it will be proved that you are looking from one side only." Hussain Dalwai on this occasion declared that he is going to demand to president that 26 th November be declared as ' Brotherhood Day' (This is clever move on part of a Muslim like Dalwai so that the Hindus would forget their massacre at the hands of Jihadi terrorists. If Dalwai is so interested in brotherhood then he should ask Muslims to observe 6th December as 'Brotherhood Day'! - Editor)
He further said," Karkare was very courageous to handle the Malegaon case. Even when faced with such calamity Smt. Karkare said," I have equal respect and belief for all religions."(This is only indicative of the fact that Hindus have not the realised the true face of Muslims! -Editor) The religious understanding shown by her is an example for all."(Dalwai should tell this to his Muslim brethren. He should not preach this to Hindus who have tolerated arrogant Muslims for over thousand years! -Editor)
Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat
---------------- Note: Content of this blog post is writer's personal opinion and may not be SanghParivar.org or Sangh's 


  1. काफी खोजबीन की है और आपका अध्ययन भी काफी गहरा है

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  2. प्रिय श्री अरविन्द सिसौदिया जी । आपने बड़ा उपकार किया इस छद्मवेशी धोखेबाज का कच्चा चिठ्ठा प्रस्तुत कर ।
    श्री नारायण हरिः ।

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  3. स्वामी अग्निवेश की कार्यकलाप से लगता था की ये भगवा बेश में साधू रुपी कोई ढोंगी है जो समाज सेवा की आड़ में देश द्रोह का काम कर रहा है.ये अन्ना और सर्कार के वीच कोई गुप्त समझौता करने आया था लेकिन अपनी दाल न गलते देख चुपके से चला गया .

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  4. des drohi ke liy koi jagha nahi hai.hamare yaha..................jai rajputana...jai hindushan

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  5. des drohi ke liy koi jagha nahi hai.hamare yaha..................jai rajputana...jai hindushan

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  6. In jaise Dhurt logo ne hi Sant Samaz ko Badnam karke rakhe hue hai..Sach batane ke liye Dhanyavad!

    जवाब देंहटाएं

एक टिप्पणी भेजें

इन्हे भी पढे़....

छत्रपति शिवाजी : सिसोदिया राजपूत वंश

हमारा देश “भारतवर्ष” : जम्बू दीपे भरत खण्डे

तेरा वैभव अमर रहे माँ, हम दिन चार रहें न रहे।

सेंगर राजपूतों का इतिहास एवं विकास

नेताजी सुभाषचन्द्र बोस, मास्को जेल में..?

टुकड़े टुकड़े नगर निगमों को एक करने से जनता को राहत मिलेगी - अरविन्द सिसोदिया bjp rajasthan kota

खींची राजवंश : गागरोण दुर्ग

पृथ्वी ईश्वर की प्रयोगशाला और जीवन प्रयोग से निकला उत्पादन jeevn or ishwar

बड़ी जनहानि से बचना सौभाग्य, बहुअयामी विशेषज्ञ जाँच होनी ही चाहिए - अरविन्द सिसोदिया cfcl

कण कण सूं गूंजे, जय जय राजस्थान