Double Citizenship...? : Is it allowable under Indian constitution....? : Cardinal Alencherry

- अरविन्द सिसोदिया 
           केरल के मूल निवासी 66 वर्षीय आर्चबिशप जॉर्ज एलेंचेरी को गत सप्ताह “वेटिकन” के राष्ट्र प्रमुख और ईसाईयों के पोप ने कार्डिनल की पदवी प्रदान की। वेटिकन में की गई घोषणा के अनुसार सोलहवें पोप बेनेडिक्ट ने 22 नए कार्डिनलों की नियुक्ति की है। रोम (इटली) में 18 फ़रवरी को होने वाले एक कार्यक्रम में एलेंचेरी को कार्डिनल के रूप में आधिकारिक शपथ दिलाई जाएगी।
         जॉर्ज एलेंचेरी, कार्डिनल नियुक्त होने वाले ग्यारहवें भारतीय हैं। वर्तमान में भारत में पहले से ही दो और कार्डिनल कार्यरत हैं, जिनका नाम है रांची के आर्चबिशप टेलीस्पोर टोप्पो एवं मुम्बई के आर्चबिशप ओसवाल्ड ग्रेसियस। हालांकि भारत के ईसाईयों के लिये यह एक गौरव का क्षण हो सकता है, परन्तु इस नियुक्ति (और इससे पहले भी) ने कुछ तकनीकी सवाल भी खड़े होते रहे हैं।
            जैसा कि सभी जानते हैं, “वेटिकन” अपने आप में एक स्वतन्त्र राष्ट्र है, जिसके राष्ट्र प्रमुख पोप होते हैं। इस दृष्टि से पोप सिर्फ़ एक धर्मगुरु नहीं हैं, बल्कि उनका दर्जा एक राष्ट्र प्रमुख के बराबर है, जैसे अमेरिका या भारत के राष्ट्रपति। अब सवाल उठता है कि पोप का चुनाव कौन करता है? जवाब है दुनिया भर में फ़ैले हुए कार्डिनल्स…। अर्थात पोप को चुनने की प्रक्रिया में कार्डिनल जॉर्ज एलेंचेरी भी अपना वोट डालेंगे। यह कैसे सम्भव है? एक तकनीकी सवाल उभरता है कि कि, क्या भारत का कोई मूल नागरिक किसी अन्य देश के राष्ट्र प्रमुख के चुनाव में वोटिंग कर सकता है? इसके पहले भी भारत के कार्डिनलों ने पोप के चुनाव में वोट डाले हैं परन्तु इस सम्बन्ध में कानून के जानकार क्या कहते हैं यह जानना दिलचस्प होगा कि भारत के संविधान के अनुसार यह कैसे हो सकता है? यदि पोप “सिर्फ़ धर्मगुरु” होते तो शायद माना भी जा सकता था, लेकिन पोप एक सार्वभौम देश के राष्ट्रपति हैं, उनकी अपनी मुद्रा और सेना भी है…
नोट :- जिस प्रकार किसी सेल्समैन को 100% टारगेट प्राप्त करने पर ईनाम मिलता है, उसी प्रकार आर्चबिशप एलेंचेरी को कार्डिनल पद का ईनाम इसलिए मिला है, क्योंकि उन्होंने पिछले दो दशकों में कन्याकुमारी एवं नागरकोविल इलाके में धर्म परिवर्तन में भारी बढ़ोतरी की है। ज्ञात रहे कि एलेंचेरी महोदय वही “सज्जन” हैं जिन्होंने कन्याकुमारी में स्वामी विवेकानन्द स्मारक नहीं बनने देने के लिए जी-तोड़ प्रयास(?) किये थे, इसी प्रकार रामसेतु को तोड़कर “सेतुसमुद्रम” योजना को सिरे चढ़ाने के लिए करुणानिधि के साथ मिलकर एलेंचेरी महोदय ने बहुत “मेहनत”(?) की। हालांकि डॉ सुब्रह्मण्यम स्वामी के प्रयासों तथा हिन्दू संगठनों के कड़े विरोध के कारण वह दोनों ही “दुष्कृत्य” में सफ़ल नहीं हो सके।
Cardinal Alencherry – Double Citizenship?
16/01/2012 00:00:40  Synonymous
- Ref :Archbishop Mar George Alencherry has been elevated to the status of a cardinal, according to an announcement by the Vatican last week.
-Atlast, Archbishop Alencherry has been rewarded for the nearly 100% conversion he has successfully carried out in the coastal areas of Kanyakumari, Nagercoil etc., in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. He had also tried his best to avoid a Vivekananda memorial at Kanyakumari but was simply overwhelmed by a mighty pan-India alliance of Hindus, much like Sethusamudram in recent times. 
But the question now is about the legalities of a Cardinalship in India . Pope is not only the head of Catholic church all over the world, but also the Head of a State. Holy See ( Vatican ) is an independent sovereign nation much like India . And the Pope is equal to President of India and President of USA. And who elects the Pope? The Cardinals, including Alencherry, will elect the next Pope, whenever the next elections be. How is this possible? Is it allowable under Indian constitution? 
A legal team must study this and approach the court against this gross violation of Indian constitution that has already taken place a couple of times in the past. This must not be allowed to happen again. If Cardinal Alencherry is an Indian citizen, he must not be allowed to elect the Head of another sovereign nation. If this is allowed to happen, days are not far when Imams from India start participating in the election of an Islamic Khalifa (in Riyadh or Doha ) that is fast in the making. 
GSK Menon 
18/01/2012 22:32:22
Cardinal Alencherry
He will be busy trying to erect a Kodimaram in front of Vatican, and Nilavilakkus inside for the German Nazi Pope to enjoy.
18/01/2012 09:15:19
Book her ,........ ,........,
Anti national acts are the best avaliable job in india confering new tittles in different names in areas of works, from the persons apppointed providing income in dollars for the implementations of the programme assigned to them from an outside country. The confering of new tittle shows the satisfaction of the master for the workdone for them. Confering a tittle does not have no expense more but only more activites by many in waiting to get hold to this position thereby increase in anti national activites (watch around to understand this) 
gokul menon 
16/01/2012 08:45:56
Anti National Act / Treason
If this is allowed , sooner than later, sections of our citizens could ask for participation by way of voting or otherwise in the elections etc., held in Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Russia or any other place merely by expressing a desire to be part of that system. By doing so and silently watching such activities we will also be accepting this formal way of spying. Of course , in the case of China some of our citizens could become part of their proletariat and openly report on activities here. it is shameful that even after 60 years of suppression by the English have passed by , we have in our midst such free floating international call girl type mentality people in our midst. Deceive the very plate that feeds you. This is not religious activity, but a definite attack on our nation. Our dormant nationalists must plan and protest such anti national activities. Shame on such people. easy no credit check payday loanno fax cash til payday loan
16/01/2012 06:32:55
kick out these missionaries
Alencherry has successfully done the conversion at kanyakumary and Nagarcoil since few decades. What Hindu organizations and missionaries are doing in these time? has any one object this missionary works? How could they spread their poison there ?we need to rethink this issues and come forward together to prevent their presence not only this area but also in India. southern india going to be covered by Evangelists within 10 years.Pls come together to protect our brothers from these evils.easy no credit check payday loanno fax cash til payday loan
16/01/2012 06:32:47
kick out these missionaries
Alencherry has successfully done the conversion at kanyakumary and Nagarcoil since few decades. What Hindu organizations and missionaries are doing in these time? has any one object this missionary works? How could they spread their poison there ?we need to rethink this issues and come forward together to prevent their presence not only this area but also in India. southern india going to be covered by Evangelists within 10 years.Pls come together to protect our brothers from these evils.easy no credit check payday loanno fax cash til payday loan
15/01/2012 20:26:54
That is an idea but the outcome is predictable...
The outcome will only be that Alencherry will take up Vatican citizenship as an asylum seeker ? He will then be out of the reach of Indian courts.
If such a precedent is decided in court, the next time you will see things happen in the following sequence.
a) 100% results (conversion or whatever according to goals set) achieved
b) Vatican citizenship awarded
c) Elevation to desired post
What would it achieve, I am not sure.

* Syro-Malabar Church plans forums
- Children and women to be given more voice during Vatican II golden jubilee
- reporter, Kochi
_ India,January 16, 2012
Forums for children, young people and women are among schemes decided during the Syro-Malabar Church (SMC)’s synod that finished January 13.
They are among moves to encourage greater laity participation during the Vatican II golden Jubilee.
“We want the laity to play a vibrant and positive role in the making of the Church in modern times. Without lay participation, the Church doesn’t exist or move forward,” Father Paul Thelakat, spokesman of the Catholic Oriental rite, said today.
He said the synod decided to set up 12 international forums to ensure lay people take a lead role in Church affairs.
Head of the Church, Cardinal-designate Major Archbishop George Alencherry, chaired the synod that was attended by 43 bishops and Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Oriental Churches.
The Church will also create forums for media, health and charity works, education, science and technology, agriculture, history and literature.
Father Thelakat said many of these forums already exist, but they never got involved in the Church decision bodies.

*Church head seeks birth policy support
-Syro-Malabar leader urges Sonia Gandhi to oppose penalizing large families
The head of the Syro-Malabar Church has urged the chair of India’s ruling coalition to oppose policies aimed at regulating population growth.
A move to penalize couples with more than two children in Kerala was among several issues Major Archbishop George Alencherry took up with Sonia Gandhi, chair of the United Progressive Alliance on Saturday.
The prelate appealed to Gandhi to persuade her Congress party, which rules Kerala, to reject a proposal to implement the two-child policy in the southern Indian state.
“Proposed recommendations violate individual liberty and the fundamental rights of people,” Major Archbishop Alencherry said.
A commission headed by a retired supreme court judge made recommendations which would financially penalize couples and deny them benefits.
The major archbishop was in New Delhi for the 12th annual convention of Syro-Malabar Catholics living in and around the national capital.
He expressed hope Gandhi’s government would respect and safeguard people’s fundamental rights.
“It is a couple’s decision as to how many children they should have, and the state has no right to interfere with this right,” he said, adding that citizens in democratic countries would not accept such a “draconian law that exists in Communist China.”
The major archbishop also expressed concern over the plight of Christians in Orissa’s Kandhamal district which experienced deadly anti-Christian violence three years ago.
Father Jose Edassery, chaplain of Syro Malabar Catholics in Delhi who accompanied the major archbishop, said Gandhi assured them there would be no repeat of Kandhamal.
The priest said Gandhi also said her government is concerned about the problems of dalit Christians.
The Church has for decades demanded statutory benefits for these Christians of former low caste origin.
“Gandhi said that her government is very much aware of these situations and is closely monitoring them,” he added.


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