2013 _SP_Human Rights Violations : UP top's

NHRC celebrates its 21st Foundation Day

New Delhi, October 11th, 2013


The National Human Rights Commission, NHRC is celebrating its 21st Foundation Day on the 12th October, 2013. It was on this day in 1993, the NHRC was set up under the Protection of Human Rights Act passed by Parliament. Since its inception, till 30th September, 2013, the Commission registered more than 12 lakh 84 thousand 856 cases of human rights violations either suo motu or on complaints or on intimation by the prison and police authorities. Out of this, 12 lakh 59 thousand 106 cases were disposed of.

The top ten States from where the NHRC registered maximum complaints of human rights violations, till 30th September, 2013, are: Uttar Pradesh (714477), Delhi (85009), Bihar (65837), Haryana (56134), Rajasthan (43163), Maharashtra (42101), Madhya Pradesh (40515), Uttarakhand (31137), Tamil Nadu (29002) and Odisha (25201).

The number of cases registered suo motu by the NHRC, since its inception, till 30th September, 2013 is 1817. Out of this, more than 1519 cases have been disposed of. During the period, the top ten States from where maximum suo motu cases were registered are: Delhi (348), Uttar Pradesh (324), Andhra Pradesh (97), Bihar (91), Assam (90), Madhya Pradesh (86), Haryana (84), Punjab (75), West Bengal (74) and Maharashtra (73). The Commission also registered 64 cases on the basis of suo motu cognizance of various issues of human rights violations in Jammu & Kashmir.

Maximum complaints of human rights violations pertain to failure in taking lawful action by police (207081) and abuse of power by police (99577). False implications by police (70703) and inaction by the other State government/ Central government officials (61829) are some other major categories of complaints of human rights violations.

In addition to recommending punitive action against the guilty public authorities, the Commission has recommended more than Rs.84 crore 57 lakh 18 thousand in 3483 cases of human rights violations.

The NHRC has also given its views on a number of draft bills in addition to issuing guidelines and recommendations on various issues of human rights. It has made a number of interventions on key issues of human rights, which include, among others, , issues of bonded and child labour, right to health, rights of persons with disability, prison reforms, mental health care, silicosis etc. It has been organising 'Open Hearing' of complaints of atrocities against Scheduled Castes in different States in addition to Camp Sittings.

To spread awareness about human rights and its activities, the Commission, apart from publication of monthly newsletters in English and Hindi, has published more than 40 books and journals on human rights issues, besides holding workshops and seminars in different parts of the country. 



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