Bachh Baras festival
Mainly on the day of Bachh Baras, the female sons observe fast and worship cows and calves. A day before Bach Baras, moong, moth, gram and millet are kept soaked in the night for Bach Baras. Then in the morning after bath, before worship it is fried in a pan and cooked.
Bachh Baras, special festival for the longevity of sons
Mothers and women do Bachbaras fast
The Dwadashi date of Krishna Paksha of Bhadrapada month is called Bachhbaras or Govatsa Dwadashi or Vatsa Dwadashi. This year Bachbaras is on Monday, 11 September 2023. On this day, women with daughters observe a fast and pray for the happiness and longevity of their sons. On this day, dishes of the sons' choice are prepared and gifts are also given to them. At some places, mothers even remove their eyes from their sons. On this day, women sprout moong, moth and millet and feed them to the cow's calf. Fasting women also have to take this food in their diet. On this day, cow's milk is considered completely prohibited, only buffalo's milk is used.
Bachabaras festival
The belief behind celebrating Bachbaras festival is that on this day Shri Krishna came out of the house to graze cows for the first time. This festival symbolizes the living example of love between mother Yashoda and son Krishna. As everyone knows, Shri Krishna was the apple of mother Yashoda's eye. Mother Yashoda could not live even for a moment without seeing her beloved son. Son Krishna also had complete devotion to the mother and did not forget to take a round near her in the middle of playing, get caress from her and show love. In this way, the days of mother and son were spent with love.
Shri Krishna also caught the stubbornness of going to graze cows.
Meanwhile, Shri Krishna grew up and all his friends started going to the forest to graze cows. Seeing his friends, Shri Krishna also became adamant about going to graze the cows. Mother Yashoda was aware of the truth that her son would have to be sent out of the house as per his age. She was also worried about sending her son out for so long. After a lot of procrastination, it was finally decided that on the Dwadashi of Krishna Paksha of Bhadrapada, Shri Krishna would go to the forest to graze cows.
Mother Yashoda did lakhs of efforts
Out of concern for her son, mother Yashoda made every effort to save him from every trouble. Her beloved son was going to stay out of the house for so long, so the mother prepared all the dishes of her son's choice. Shri Krishna was not only the darling of Mother Yashoda. Whole Gokul used to sprinkle life on him. That is why, on the first visit of Shri Krishna to the forest, every mother of Gokul village prepared dishes of his choice to express his love for Shri Krishna. Moong, moth and millet were also sprouted for the cows and calves going to the forest with Shri Krishna.
Cows and calves were also decorated...
In the morning Yashoda decorated Shri Krishna beautifully in every way and applied black tilak. He packed a lot of dishes with Shri Krishna to eat throughout the day. Along with him, all the mothers of Braj put a pile of dishes for Shri Krishna. Cows and calves were also decorated and after the puja they were fed sprouted grains. In this way, the first cow tending ceremony of Shri Krishna, filled with mother's love, was completed. Till the return of Shri Krishna, none of the women in the village ate food out of concern for him. His day was spent on sprouted grains for the cows. This is how the fast of Bachbaras came into existence.
general method of fasting
It is Bachh Baras on the Dwadashi date of Krishna Paksha of Bhadrapada month. On this day mother cow is worshiped along with her calf. Mothers apply tilak to their sons and offer them laddus, that is, on this day, women with sons observe fast and worship for the well-being of their sons. On this day, dishes made from cow milk, curd, wheat and vegetables cut with a knife are not eaten. There is a tradition in many places that Udyapan is also done on this day. Many people ask this question that what is Udyapan?
Jyotishacharya explains that the material that is taken out as a donation for worship or for fasting festival is called Bayana. On Bach Baras or many other festivals, earnest money is taken out and this earnest money is given as a donation to the priest, mother-in-law, sister-in-law or any needy person. For the earnest money of Bach Baras, a bowl of mouth, millet is kept and rupee money is kept on it. Sprinkle them with roli and rice. Cover the bowl with a lid with folded hands and turn your hand over the bowl four times. Then remove your own tilak. Give this to the faithful mother-in-law by touching her feet. On the day of Bach-Baras, the mother of the son eats cold bread. You can eat buffalo milk, gram flour, mouth etc. on this day. On this day no material made from cow's milk and wheat and rice is eaten.
Bachbaras is celebrated in the year a boy is born or in the year the boy gets married. Do all the puja like every year. Just do kuddi like soaked moth millet in the plate. Place two handfuls of moi (ghee mixed with millet flour and sugar in water) and two pieces of cucumber on thirteen pots. Put a teal (two sarees and blouse piece) and rupee on it and touch the mother-in-law by turning your hand. In this way the Udyapan of Bachhbaras is completed. The question has been arising that what is Udyapana. Women who keep fast continuously on any festival do Udyapan. It is said that it is necessary for married women to do Udyapan. In Udyapan, many 5, 7 or 11 beautiful women are included in the worship and they are also fed.
Note - The Hindi article has been translated into English through Google.
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