Listen DMK and Congress,Sanatan etc are eternal - Arvind Sisodia

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said about Sanatan that “Sanatan is not just a word, it is ever-new, ever-changing. It involves the desire to improve oneself from the past and is therefore eternal – immortal.”

Sanatan etc are eternal, now the feet of Hindu opponents from the South are about to be uprooted - Arvind Sisodia

By Arvind Sisodia 9414180151

Generally, if any person says, I know Sanatan, I know Hindu and Hindutva, I know Indian culture, I know Vedic culture, then I believe that he is not talking about the real Sanatan, the real Hindutva. I don't know, rather he is saying or doing hearsay things. Because for the last one thousand years Sanatan has been fighting a war to protect its existence, it is fighting against those who want to end it. People who generally have the ability to reveal the full power of Sanatan, the true power, either remain silent, or are not able to announce it due to political reasons. There are very few people who are able to proclaim Sanatan with full force. Therefore, in general the common Hindu has incomplete knowledge or he has lies spread under foreign conspiracies. Whereas Sanatan is complete, mature, does charity and is full of efforts.

Like the name Sanatan is the first incarnation of Lord Vishnu who appeared in the form of Sanatkumars, one of whose names was Sanatan. Therefore, human civilization first originated from Sanatkumars and because of them this human civilization came to be known as Sanatan. The Hindu Kush mountain, which is a part of the Himalayan mountain range and is situated at the western end, is called Hindus who live to the east till the sea. This is geographical identity. Similarly, when the children of Dev Kanya Arya ruled, this area was also called Aryavarta. Thus, the civilization of the entire earth is eternal, its seven continents have been ruled by Sanatan only. Asiya Mahadeep looks like the shape of a ( Jamun )blackberry from the sky, that is why it is also called Jambudip, it comes in our resolution verse. Jambu Deepe Bharat Khande Aryavarte… Sanatan is very deep, thousands of Sanskrit texts are there in it. When the foreigners destroyed Nalanda, Takshashila, everything about the Sanatan culture was destroyed, whatever is left in our traditions, only that guides us.

Especially for most of the people working in politics, they are dependent on whatever is served by their political party. In Congress and Communist parties, those with anti-Hindu ideas achieve rapid political rise. Jawaharlal Nehru himself was greatly influenced by communist ideas. Under the rule of Congress, communism destroyed and defiled the intellectual heritage of India and a lot of material giving rise to misconceptions was added to it so that Hindus could be blamed on the basis of Sanatan scriptures. SP, RJD, TMC, AAP party have similar thinking like Congress due to vote bank politics. Same is the political situation in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. That is, it is very important to appear anti-Hindu for the minority vote bank and this is the policy of the new Congress alliance. They need to appear anti-Hindu for minority Muslim and Christian votes. And recently, anti-Sanatan statements were given by DMK's Prince Udayanidhi Stalin and then by Priyank Kharge in his support, but both of them and their supporters do not even know Sanatan, Hindutva, Indian culture, these Sanatan But they cannot last even 5 minutes in the debate, they are talking nonsense just for the sake of political gain. Both of them are ministers in the state governments there, the police will not take any action, hence they are relaxed.

It is not only the case of political princes but also of common Hindus that they do not have knowledge of religion, culture and its depth. And most people keep saying something on the basis of hearsay.

The present emergence of Sanatan Dharma on earth is believed to be from about two billion years ago, but when we study many religious texts including Ramcharitmanas and Bhagwat, we find that Sanatan is eternal and is eternal. Which has been there since eternity and will remain there forever. That which is eternal, continuous. It is with new innovations every day.

Broadly speaking, the Eternal has existed since the Creator of the universe. There is also a huge collection of knowledge, science and research experiences prevalent in the universe and only Sanatan has such a collection, which is present in his Sanskrit literature. Due to the excellence gained from experience in the long life of human civilization, Sanatan is the creator of the world's most peace-loving, co-ordinating and humanitarian society and one that thinks about its welfare. This is the only way of life which has shown the way to the entire world, given the social system which we know as Sanatan, Hindu, Indian or Vedic.

The eternal begins from where the existence of God begins. No one else has the research that Sanatan has done on God and the powers of God, the duties and roles of his supporting gods and goddesses etc. The world's oldest book called Rigveda has been accepted by the United Nations. Sanatani is the first one to know the roles of Lord Rishi Brimha ji who created this entire creation, Lord Vishnu ji who operates it and Lord Mahadev who destroys it when it loses its discipline. The word God in English is also a short form of Generate, Operate, Destroy. This sequence of creation, operation and destruction has been going on continuously many times since ancient times and is going to continue till eternity. No scientist can ever determine the exact time of which, because these divine powers themselves are the creators of science, create the rules of science and follow the rules of science. Aadi is infinite and eternal!

Sanatan is the first to declare that not one but three powers together run the world. In the entire creation of the world, scholars prove that even within an atom, three forces named electron, neutron and proton exist together despite being separate. Sanatan says that in Pranav Akshar, it runs on the basis of all three Eka i.e. these three powers and these three gods, which no one has been able to challenge till date and no one will be able to challenge in the future. - Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv Janat Aviveka, these three are one in the middle of Pranavakshar, it means the one who considers Brahma Vishnu Shiva as separate is unintelligent. Because these are the three forms of God himself.

Even after reading the Hindu name of this culture, we are called Hindu because of the Hindu Kush mountain which is the western end of the Himalayan Mountains. In Sanskrit literature, Hindukush mountain is considered as Himalaya. In a way, Hindu can be called the geographical name of the Sanatan culture present here. Because Sanatan culture has been eternally ancient, vast and vast, apart from this world, we get descriptions of its existence and sovereign power on other worlds also. This Sanatan has its own nature, society, origin, vastness, splendor, it is complete and complete. It is on the basis of a very small part of this that we remain the best human species in the entire world, those who are finding shortcomings in it, those who are finding evils in it. Those who want to make false allegations against him. They are requested to first look at other sects of human society, look at other ways of life and also look at other life styles. Remember, those who killed 60 lakh Jews by putting them in gas chambers were not Hindus. Remember, those who killed millions of innocent humans by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not Hindus. Remember, those who fought many religious wars were not Hindus. Those who insulted women on religious grounds were not Hindus. It is a society that continuously practices Sanatan Truth, Dharma and the ten virtues of Dharma.

Just as in every country, despite the existence of law and government, heinous crimes like murder, rape, kidnapping, robbery, theft, assault etc. still take place. In the same way, due to human nature, one finds both good and evil people in all religions, sects, traditions, ways of life and social systems. If we meet bad people, then because of this the message of goodness and rules and regulations cannot be considered bad. This is Devdanava nature, it is like day and night, it is positive and negative, it is always there. The society which inculcates virtues and protects us from evils. He is called the best. Sanatan is superior because it is cultured.

In the darkness of ego, whatever is said by Stalin or Kharge's sons is like spitting in the sky which is bound to fall back on them, no one in any social structure of India is supporting them. Nor will anyone stand in his support in future. Because no one among the 140 crore people of India can destroy Sanatan and does not want to do so. This is just a trick of a political vote bank which every child born in this country considers to be a child. It should also be remembered that the voter of India, based on his understanding, has to teach a lesson through the power of his vote. Now the Hindu opponents from the South are going to be uprooted. This incident is indicating this direction.


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