The Holy God is Supreme


- Arvind Sisodia 9414180151

Who is god ?
how is god
Who is called God?
Is God a woman or a man?
Where does God live?
How does God live?
What kind of body does God have?
How is the lifestyle of God?
How is the working of God?
Who are Cassie's assistants?
Is there God or not?
The God of the Earth, the God of the Moon, the God of the Galaxies are different?
There are thousands of questions regarding the existence of God, they also have answers. But it is so vast and mysterious that nothing is easily understood.


 ईश्वर तो है
ईश्वर तो है- ब्रह्म ही सत्य है: ईश्वर एक ही है और वही प्रार्थनीय तथा पूजनीय है। वही सृष्टि भी। शिव, राम, कृष्ण आदि सभी एक ही ईश्वर हे | हजारों देवी-देवता उसी एक के प्रति नमन हैं।  वेद और उपनिषद एक ही परमतत्व को मानते हैं।


 Answers to many such questions have been continuously searched by crores of people for crores of years. We understand that this civilization will be of 5000 years ago, 10000 years ago. Hindu calculus says. That nature on earth has been there since about 2 billion years ago. He has been narrating his experience as per his understanding.
The more research one could do, the more one knew. Trying to know the truth with the help of imagination is going on for crores of years.

Hindus living in India can be called pioneers of this search. Because he has done the most certified and first research on this subject. Hindu Sanatan itself says that the universe is like a cycle which goes on continuously.

Many times this sun, moon, planets, constellations, galaxies keep on being formed and destroyed. This whole sky at one time gets confined in one body. Then explodes, disintegrates. Builds his family on the basis of gravity. Like solar family, family of galaxies, family of groups of galaxies. On many of these bodies, like the earth, nature and human civilizations continue to form and end. This is etc. It is eternal.

Since time immemorial, many questions have been asked about God regarding these mysterious subjects, and appropriate answers have been given to them from time to time. This question is one that has no simple answer.

Or simply understand that there is only one difference between the fully existing God and us. Who is the Prime Minister of India and a very common citizen of India. The Prime Minister is the head of 140 crore citizens and he cares for them. is accountable to them. While as a citizen we are far away from him, but we are also influenced by the rules set by him. He is our ruler, we are ruled by him. We can believe the same in the form of God. That he is our absolute ruler, we are ruled by him.

No single research of the search for God can say that we have discovered God completely. It is also true that different people keep on searching for it in their own way. This research never ends. This curiosity keeps on motivating us to know about God continuously.

One who does research, whatever he feels about God, he writes it down. Whatever knowledge is obtained, he keeps it in the middle of the society. Many sages, sages, saints and ascetics have also revealed this in different ways.

A seeker whom we can also consider as a seeker of God. In what context he is searching for God, it also remains a subject, some want to know the body of God, some want to know the family of God. Somebody wants to know about the cabinet. One wants to know the domain of God. Someone wants to know the punishment system of God. So someone wants to know his benevolent nature.


That's why Hindu believes in the eternal God in the form of polytheism. This is also true. But many sects have not reached this far or their beliefs are different. But God remains what He is. These are our beliefs, imaginations or research. Which can also be true. Could also be false.

Reality rests on the basis that no work is ever accomplished without a doer. It is never possible for any work to be done automatically. That's why we are seeing the creation arranged in the form of infinite universe. There is a doer of it. His name is God. Which people know and understand by various names and nouns. He is Truth, He is God, He is the doer.

There are many types of definitions regarding the subject of who is God, he told as much as he could understand. But it is generally believed that the supreme power which created the universe, nature, matter, light, gravity, magnetism, hardware form, software form, visible form, the subtle body, is God. It is only

He is the doer of lakhs and lakhs of actions and reactions happening inside the society, nature and creation. The one who gave them existence, shaped them, created them, that power, that power is God.


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